09 January 2012


2012 has been pretty good so far. im so happy!!! (tak ada kena mengena dengan keputusan kes DSAI pagi ni) im happy because my MBA application has been approved! so excited nak start study blk. its more than 3 years after i completed my degree. hehe. mula-mula tu tak ada semangat pun nak apply. dah la submit lambat lepas tu form tak complete sebab website ukm yang lembab tu! *do something please* masa pergi interview last thursday pun tak well prepared. nasib baik diorang tanya soalan yang senang.. why MBA, why must we choose you, tell us about yourself, blablabla.. tu pun nervous sgt! Alhamdulillah dapat. the most happiest person, apart from my mum is ayman. dia happy sebab dia boleh buat kerja kat office dengan tenang tak ada gangguan dari anasir2 luar. u ingat u boleh lepas ke kalau i sibuk dengan study pun. muahahaha. and he thinks selama ni my job merayau2 kat mall je everday and i need to do something useful. eh shopping pun satu pekerjaan apa. menjana ekonomi negara. kan.. kan..

my class will start early next month. i hope i can cope with work and class at the same time. wish me all the best people! in love and light. XX.

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